Muskogee Central High Class of 1967

Still "Doin' It" after all these years (breathing)

The David Higbee School Memories Challenge!

The David Higbee School Memories Challenge! 

After reading a post by Allan Harder on Facebook sharing some Rougher memories , David suggested that we ask people to share some of theirs.

Below you will find some questions to give you a starting place. Answer some or all of the questions or share some of your Rougher Memories:

School Memories You Would Like To Share

  • What was the dumbest thing you did in high school, and did you have fun doing it?
  • Favorite song in High School?
  • What is your most vivid memory from your years at school?
  • Which professors/teachers influenced your life and made a lasting impression? Why?
  • Did you have a best friend in school?
  • Did you have an arch enemy at school?
  • Who did you go to the prom with?
  • Did you participate in any of the school plays?
  • What was the funniest moment?
  • What was your most embarrassing moment?
  • Is there something you wanted to do in high school but never did?
  • Which classmate influenced you the most?
  • Who was your favorite teacher?
  • What was your favorite class?
  • What did you have for a typical lunch?
  • Did you have a nickname in high school?
  • Did you have a secret crush on anyone?
  • What car did you drive?
  • What have you been up to since graduation?

And Remember ONE Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words


me standifer and hig

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Comment by Mike Simpson on October 29, 2016 at 1:59pm

Well at least 3 of us can remember what we were doing over 50 years ago!

Image result for I can't remember shit

Comment by Frances Haynes on October 10, 2016 at 12:58pm

Reply to David's mud lot story - We did survive the mud lots that year! Especially from the top of the hill!  I felt fortunate to have grabbed one of the prime 100 spots in the paved lot.  I'd park my '55 Chevy that I called an RT (short for Rattle-Trap!) front and center, but Jean Leake would leave her Automobile du Jour wherever she felt like leaving it! She got called to office more than once to move her car! Her Vehicle of the day could have been her "Yellow Submarine" as she called her Lincoln Continental, or it could have been her brother's Jaguar, or one of her favorites, a 50's model crew-cab pickup!!  Her carpool loved when it was her time to drive, because they never knew what to expect!

Comment by Mike Simpson on October 9, 2016 at 4:22pm
  • What car did you drive? 54 chevy (the pictured car is in better shape than mine was then)

Comment by Mike Simpson on October 9, 2016 at 4:14pm
  • Did you have a secret crush on anyone? yes almost everyone of our wonderful women classmates
Comment by Mike Simpson on October 9, 2016 at 4:11pm

The picture above depicts 3 guys that started out as arch enemies, West vs. AR only to become best of friends. I remember our Jr. year we got together in the summer to practice basketball on an asphalt court, it was so hot that my tennis shoes melted. 

Comment by David Higbee on October 8, 2016 at 7:16pm

One more for the road...basically i was terrified of most every girl I went to high school with.  But the one I was most terrified of was one of the cheerleaders whose name will remain, well, nameless.  I mean I would have cut off a body part if she would have gone out with me, but of course I could never work up the courage to ask.  You see, I was unworthy.  At least i was in my own mind.  

Anyway, I carried a torch for this goddess for the next 10 years.  At our 10-year reunion I was disappointed to see that she was not there.  Not that I would have worked up the courage to talk to her even then if she had been.  Frankly I doubted she even knew who I was even though I had been on the basketball team and she was a cheerleader.

BUT... at our 20-year reunion she WAS there.  And believe it or not she actually came up to me and asked "aren't you David Higbee?"  I have always wondered if someone put her up to it, but heck I really didn't care.  She DID know who I was!  Well. not really.  She followed up that question by asking "weren't you in the band?"  And of course I never was.  So basically the love of my life didn't know who I was.  It was crushing.  And my unrequited love was to remain unrequited for the rest of my life.      

Comment by David Higbee on October 8, 2016 at 6:47pm

Well. somebody has to go first.  And since it IS the David Higbee Challenge...

When we began our senior year the new gymnasium's parking lot was not yet paved.  I remember going to practice one day and noticing it was raining cats and dogs outside.  Normally that wouldn't have registered but several of us were leaving after practice to go scout one of the Tulsa teams we would be playing later.  As we came out of practice I remembered that I had parked near the entrance which, unfortunately was now a mud pit of epic proportions.  The more we tried to move my car the worse it got.  Ultimately I had to call my Dad and ask him to help us out.  By the time he arrived we were running late, so I flipped the keys to him and said (basically) "see you later."  The look on his face was pretty much pure disbelief and I have always wondered how he got my car out of the parking lot.  He never explained it to me and I never worked up the nerve to ask.

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